Tobey Maguire Travels with a Seal

September 21, 2011
Photo: The Howard Stern Show

In one of his best calls, Jonah posed as Tobey Maguire’s assistant and tried to book the actor a hotel room: “[Because] people are nuts. All they want to do is please celebrities.”

Jonah found his sucker in the late night clerk at a roach motel in Santa Monica, telling him that Tobey traveled with a seal: “First of all, he needs a pretty large-sized aquatic tank assembled in the room.”

True to form, the clerk honored every faux-request: “The guy’s like, ‘I mean, we’ve never had a seal here before. But whatever Tobey wants.'”

Howard said he was happy to hear Dustin was encouraging the stunt, remembering the time he caught his own children making prank calls–and felt, as King of the Phony Phone Call, a very real internal conflict: “I think one time they called Dial-A-Mattress and I was like, ‘That’s my sponsor!'”