Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Wife, And Def Hide Your Cars

Turns out three staff members of the Stern Show have a checkered past stealing vehicles

September 29, 2014

In a writer’s meeting last week, someone mentioned stealing cars and it turned out the three, count them THREE, of our staff members have stolen vehicles in the past.

The first CRIMINAL was Stern Show executive producer Gary Dell’Abate. Gary was fourteen and he stole a car to go ‘joyriding’.

Similarly, fellow CRIMINAL Richard Christy says a car lot in his small town would leave the keys on each car’s front tire so he and his buddies would also go ‘joyriding’ in cars they didn’t own.

However, these instances seem petty when compared to the MONSTER serial thief named Scott ‘the Engineer’ Salem. He and his friend would steal a car EVERY DAY of the school week to drive from Brooklyn to Queens before abandoning the vehicle.