Olympic Rower Worries Mom Will See Photos of His Olympic Bulge
U.S. medalist Henrik Rummel shares concerns over pictures of his package making their way to his mother's Facebook Newsfeed
August 26, 2016
A drawback to having one’s package go viral is that family members fluent in social media might come face to face (or face to bulge) with incriminating pictures.
Take U.S. Olympian Henrik Rummel, for instance, who won a bronze medal in 2012 for rowing. Photos from the medal ceremony took the internet by storm after folks noticed a bulge in Rummel’s form-fitting athletic shorts.
The Harvard graduate spoke with Cosmopolitan recently and revealed a disturbing downside to being objectified by the internet: “I don’t really take offense to that, maybe it’s because guys think of it as a compliment? But if my mom were to see come up on her Newsfeed — I don’t want something like that on there for her sake. … I would say it’s as close to crossing the line as I have seen on a mainstream news outlet.”
Furthermore, the world-class athlete said his wife was miffed that her husband wound up being better known for his third oar than his skills on the water. “She didn’t like that everyone was talking about that and not about me winning a medal at the Olympics,” Rummel told Cosmo. “And the same thing with with my parents, they couldn’t avoid it at the time, and it’s not something that I am happy they had to go through.”
Click here for the rest of Rummel’s interview.