Video: See the Live Cockroach Doctors Found in a Woman’s Skull
The 42-year-old patient went to a hospital after feeling a “crawling sensation” inside her head
February 6, 2017
As you may have heard during Robin’s News on Monday, a 42-year-old woman in India recently went to the hospital after feeling a “crawling sensation” inside of her head. When doctors examined her, they found a live cockroach inside her skull.
The woman—Selvi—was apparently fast asleep last Monday when the cockroach crawled up her nostril and into her skull, according to the New Indian Express. The next day, she visited Stanley Medical College Hospital, complaining of discomfort and a burning sensation.
“I could not explain the feeling but I was sure it was some insect. There was a tingling, crawling sensation. Whenever it moved, it gave me a burning sensation in my eyes,” Selvi told the New Indian Express “I spent the entire night in discomfort, sitting up and waiting for dawn to go to Stanley hospital after getting the reference of a doctor from my employer.”
The head of the hospital’s ear, nose, and throat department explained that they had found a “fully grown cockroach” lodged inside the woman’s “skull base, between the two eyes, close to the brain.” The cockroach was ultimately removed without incident by using “a combination of suction and forceps”
This being the 21st century and all, doctors also recorded footage of the whole thing. Check out the extremely disturbing video (below):
h/t: New York Daily News