Show Rundown: August 15, 2016

Jimmy Kimmel sits for the entire morning

August 15, 2016

Good Morning Everybody!

First thing Monday morning Howard cued up Wendy the Slow Adult to tell listeners who was on the show — none other than “Jimble Kimbel!”

Howard explained that Jimmy had stayed over at his house for a couple of days and mentioned that he’d be happy to just come hang out for the show all morning.

In preparation, Shuli Egar called Bobo a couple of days ago to give him “four days’ notice to prepare the best question possible for Jimmy Kimmel.”

“I will diligently get on this,” Bobo assured Shuli on the call.

The Wack Packer called in and doubled down on his forthcoming questions. “I think you’ll like every one of of them,” he said. “I crafted them myself.”

Needless to say, no one was totally convinced. Howard put him on hold and promised to bring him back when Jimmy was settled in.