Corey Feldman and His Wife Susie Stop By the Show

June 28, 2005

Howard welcomed former frequent guest Corey Feldman and his wife Susie back after a three-year absence.

Right away, co-host Robin Quivers remarked that she could almost see through Susie’s dress – and it didn’t look to her like Susie was wearing any underwear!

Executive producer Gary Dell’Abate, however, had come to a different conclusion. He believed she was wearing a thong.

Howard commented on the fact that Corey used to come on all the time but had been conspicuously absent over the last few years. He said he had heard Corey was angry at them, but Howard didn’t know why.

Corey said Howard’s comments about his relationship with Susie not being able to last were part of the reason he stopped coming in. He said they have an 11-month-old baby now and things are going great.

Howard commented on how good Susie looked, especially for just having a baby.

Susie thanked him and said she had promised Corey she would get back in better shape after the baby and has been working out a lot lately.

Howard asked if the Feldmans were still into swinging and they seemed stumped by the question. Howard reminded them that, one time on the show, they admitted they would occasionally bring other men into their bed for Susie while Corey watched. Gary brought in the Show Log, which chronicles each day’s show, and read how they’d—sure enough—once had another guy in bed with them. Corey started to laugh and then threw out a plug for his current project,

Howard couldn’t understand how Corey would want to share such a beautiful girl. Corey said they were once wild and crazy but that getting married and having a child has settled them down. He went on to explain the importance of open communication and the dangers of jealousy.

Wack Packer Jeff the Drunk called in to ask Corey a question about Michael Jackson. Corey laughed and plugged his play instead.

Howard tried to get some more Michael Jackson info out of Corey, but he wasn’t talking. He said there was stuff he told the police that never made the papers, but he wasn’t about to divulge that information.