Show Rundown: January 26, 2006
Gary On His Mind
Don’t Listen to the Naysayers
Shade 45 Personalities Stop By the Stern Show
Send in the Clown…Briefly
Former Mobster Henry Hill Says He’s on the Road to Recovery
Former Mobster Henry Hill Says He’s on the Road to Recovery

When former mobster Henry Hill entered the studio, he admitted that he drank two Jagermeisters in the green room, even though he’s been trying to kick his drinking habit, although Henry attributed his drinking to fighting off a cold.
Henry then said that he got out of jail recently after serving time for carrying syringes with traces of methamphetamine on them into an airport. Howard advised Henry that if he wanted to continue living he has to stop some of his destructive habits. However, Henry didn’t seem to hear him because he discovered a bottle of Jagermeister in the studio an proceeded to pour himself a drink.
The main reason Henry was in the studio this morning was because of the sex tape he brought up during a telephone interview with Howard last week. Howard recapped the account, mentioning Henry claimed two acquaintances drugged him at a Nebraska bar and later filmed themselves raping him with a sex toy in the woods. Although Henry denied he actually set up the event in order to sell the tape, his soon-to-be ex-wife, Kelly, called in and claimed Henry was the one who was trying to market the video. As Kelly was making her accusations, Howard pointed out that Henry was drinking too much Jagermeister and demanded that Artie take away the bottle. Howard then played the tape in question.
While Gary and Artie noted that Henry appeared to be inebriated in the clip, Howard said he couldn’t believe Henry had no wrinkles or cellulite on his backside. Howard also said that, toward the end of the clip, Henry looked as though he was “really taking it.”