Show Rundown: September 17, 2007
How to Deal With Page Six
How to Deal With Page Six
Howard takes on the NY Post's rumors about him.

Howard began the show saying that Beth examines the NY Post’s Page Six as if it was the Torah, so he was disappointed to see their report that he had cold feet about marrying her. Robin reminded Howard that he did say he had cold feet. Howard got Beth on the line, and she said she had a feeling that Howard would call. Howard claimed the article was “crazy” and false; the only thing ever mentioned having cold feet about was the size of the wedding – never the wedding itself. Beth said she didn’t care about the article – she was just disappointed that she now has to “deal with this.” Robin agreed, noting that Howard and Beth will now have to answer the cold feet question all week. Howard wished he had a newspaper where he could make up stories about Richard Johnson (the editor of Page Six). Howard then told Beth that he did love her and still wanted marry her very much, but Beth said she already knew this.