Show Rundown: June 16, 2008
My Next Guest, Artie Lange’s Stomach Sweat
‘The Incredible Hulk’ Needs a Bodyguard
Lisa G Agrees to Sex Every Day
Lisa G Agrees to Sex Every Day
June 16, 2008

Howard played a clip from Thursday’s Wrap-Up Show of Ronnie the Limo Driver theorizing that Lisa G was in love with Howard. Lisa denied the claim: “I’m not in love with you – I just think you’re terrific.” Gary asked Lisa if she would date a single Howard, but Lisa was evasive: “Not if we worked together. I can’t go there.” Howard continued to press the issue, and Lisa buckled: “OK. Yes, then.” Howard then told Lisa about their first date: “I’d take you to dinner…but you gotta we have to have sex every day.” Lisa claimed she had no problem with that.