Show Rundown: October 22, 2008
Sal Governale’s Wife Christine Turns Down the Lie Detector
Sal Governale’s Wife Christine Turns Down the Lie Detector
Regardless, staffer assures Howard he's committed to making his marriage work

Executive producer Gary Dell’Abate told Howard that staffer Sal Governale’s wife, Christine, had turned down the show’s request to take part in a new lie detector bit for $5,000.
Sal came in and said Gary was right. Christine had flat-out refused. “She won’t do it,” Sal said.
Howard explained that Christine would be tested off the air in a controlled setting and only the results would be read on-air, but Sal pleaded for more incentive to talk her into it. “She humiliates me … gets the check and goes to the mall,” Sal said. “What’s in it for me?”
Howard told Sal he’d get to finally know for sure if she’d cheated, but Sal said it wouldn’t make a difference. He was committed to making their marriage work.