Show Rundown: April 29, 2009
Richard Christy Has a Lot of Favorites
Eric the Midget Stands Up a Studio Executive
Eric the Midget Stands Up a Studio Executive
Eric the Midget called in so Howard used the opportunity to read an email that Robert Mills, the producer of “The Bachelor,” sent him last night. In the email, Robert (a VP at ABC) said he cleared his calendar for today and arranged meetings between Eric and several other casting and writing staffers at ABC.
Late yesterday, when he hadn’t heard from Eric, he had to call Eric himself – only to find out Eric wouldn’t be coming. Eric claimed he had to cancel because Johnny Fratto hadn’t made the proper arrangements for Eric to travel to LA. Howard and Robin thought Eric should’ve at least let Robert know ahead of time.
Eric said he planned to let Robert know, but Robert beat him to the punch. Howard advised Eric: “The next time you have a meeting with Robert Mills, you get there.”