Show Rundown: June 4, 2009
Meet Spyder Harrison
Howard’s Must-Watch TV Shows
Checking In on Baba Booey’s Private Parts
It’s Complicated with Denise Richards
Kathy Griffin Swears on Live TV
Kathy Griffin Swears on Live TV

Kathy Griffin stopped by to promote the fifth season of “My Life on the D-List” on Bravo and Howard asked her about the time she used profanity while co-hosting CNN’s New Year’s Eve show with Anderson Cooper. However, before Kathy could answer, Benjy confessed that he was the heckler she swore at. Kathy laughed: “I was on an international news outlet with a Vanderbilt…first of all, I could have said, ‘I could kick you in the c–t but I don’t want to lose a good boot’…I really just said [‘Do I come to your work and knock the cocks out of your mouth?’] to make Anderson laugh…I turned to Anderson and said, ‘Am I fired?’ and he said, ‘No.'”
Eating Takeout in Cher’s Bathroom
Kathy told the crew about hanging with her new friend – Cher:” We had been texting for a while. And I wish I could say sexting…I call [her house] Cher Island. It’s a compound…usually what happens is we go to her place and she orders from Nobu…she has shown me the Cher closet, which is a dream come true. I just gasp. Usually she’s just in sweats and no make-up…she actually has a bathroom that so big it has a daybed in it. We sit on the daybed in the bathroom and eat Nobu.”
Life on the D-And-Maybe-Now-C-List
Kathy laughed that she’d lost a lot of weight thanks to diet and exercise, but her friends and family were paying the price: “I’m hungry and bitchy all the time.” She’s not missing her ex-husband, though: “I wish him the best wherever he is – but good riddance.” Kathy then described her recent run-in with “Speidi” (Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag, the celebutard, former co-stars from MTV’s “The Hills”) at a dinner party: “They walk over to me…and I obviously got uncomfortable because I don’t want to talk to “Speidi,” I just want to talk about them later behind their backs…and [Spencer]’s dressed like a date-rapist…he said, ‘I’m a media-whore just like you’ and I was just like [ugh].”