Show Rundown: October 26, 2009
Rosie O’Donnell Opens Up to Howard About Her Hard Childhood
Howard on the Late Soupy Sales
Robin’s Late Night with Mrs. Zapin
Robin’s Late Night with Mrs. Zapin
Howard asked Robin why she was out until 5am the other night, and Robin – at first – tried to claim she’d only had a late meal: “I just went to dinner.” Under questioning, Robin later admitted she went to a bar where Jared Fox works: “He wasn’t even there! The next thing I know we were at a pizza place and it was 5 in the morning.” Robin’s only recollection of her time at the bar: “We were screaming Michael Jackson lyrics and jumping around.”
Robin reported that she (and her companion, Melissa “Mrs. Ross” Zapin) were drinking heavily: “I think 6 shots and 2 cosmos…after a bottle of wine.” Ross came in to complain (“I’m so pissed off!”), saying he’d stayed in, as he was tired from going to Sam Benrubi’s going away party the night before, and only texted his wife when she wasn’t home by 3am: “Radio silence! Radio silence, Robin!” Ross added that while he wasn’t happy with his wife’s late hours, he was happy with the results: “We had great sex that night.”