Show Rundown: January 28, 2010
Robin Has a Dating Pattern
Another Ronnie-Hosted Bomb
Robert Schimmel Is Divorcing – Again
Robert Schimmel Is Divorcing – Again
Comedian stops in and talks to Howard about his impending split
Robert Schimmel stopped by to promote his upcoming stand-up gigs and told the crew he was embroiled in yet another divorce battle: “I wanna apologize to my first wife because we did have problems in our marriage [but] now when I look back on it, I realize we had a marriage made in heaven compared to the situation I’m going through now…exactly what I did to her came right around and bit me in the ass. The same thing happened to me.”
Bob said he won’t get married again (“I’m done.”), telling a doubtful Howard: “Ok, well, let’s put money on it right now.”
Howard asked if he thought his (most recent) ex ever loved him, and Bob replied: “I think she cared about me in a way but not in the way I cared about her.”
Howard wondered why she married him in the first place, and Bob laughed that the answer was obvious: “She was working at a children’s clothing store in Arizona…and I was the Jim Carey of Arizona.”
Bob noted that his friends had warned him about moving to LA with her though, because they already have a Jim Carey there.