Show Rundown: February 23, 2010
Anyone Could Judge ‘American Idol’
Tracey Millman Destroys Scott Salem
Benjy May or May Not be Single Again
JD Plans His $5K Dream Date WIth Ashley Dupre
Bon Voyage, Sussy
The Celebrity Prison Game
The Celebrity Prison Game

Howard gave a caller the chance to play the Celebrity Prison Game, in which he names a celebrity and three criminal charges–and the caller has to guess which charge they went to prison for.
Three out of five takes a cash prize.
Sophia Loren: neglecting a minor, perjury or tax evasion.
The caller guessed perjury–and was wrong. The correct answer was tax evasion.
James Brown: crack possession, assault and battery with intent to kill or assaulting a police officer.
The caller guessed crack possession, but the correct crime was assault and battery with intent to kill.
Vince Neil: sex with a minor, marijuana possession or vehicular manslaughter.
The caller correctly guessed vehicular manslaughter.
Kelsey Grammar: violating probation, cocaine possession or conspiracy and perjury.’
The caller knew it was cocaine possession.
Boy George: soliciting police officers for sex, violating probation or falsely imprisoning a male escort.
The caller guessed violating probation–and was wrong. The correct crime was falsely imprisoning a male escort.