Howard Hits the Red Carpet

King of All Media attends the 'Sex and the City 2' premiere.

May 25, 2010

Howard said he and Beth took his daughter, Ashley, to the ‘Sex and the City 2’ premiere last night at Radio City Music Hall: “My daughter looked so beautiful.”

Howard said all the ladies on the red carpet had made an extra effort to look their best: “To women, this was the Academy Awards.”

Howard said he talked with a few of the celebrities at the event, including Mario Cantone and Donald Trump, but balked at greeting the film’s star, Sarah Jessica Parker, as he used to make fun at her husband–and date–Matthew Broderick: “I didn’t say anything.”

Lisa G Got Stuck at the End of the Line

Howard said Lisa G was interviewing people on the red carpet for Howard100 News–but had been given a slot at the very end of the press line:

“She was all the way at the end of the red carpet. She was the dead last person. She was down by where the guys who do podcasts were. With those people who just hold up their tape recorder…down there with the high school newspapers. It’s clear to me that Howard100 News gets no respect.”

Lisa later added: “This was one of the longest red carpets I’ve seen.”