Show Rundown: September 13, 2010
Howard’s New Cat, Walter
Robin Tossed From the U.S. Open
Fashion Icon John Varvatos Wants to Give JD Harmeyer a Makeover
Scott the Engineer Is Prepping
Will the Farter Blasts the Buttweiser
Will the Farter Blasts the Buttweiser
September 13, 2010

Will the Farter stopped by for a second chance to blow some ‘fart bubbles’ and show the crew his new iPhone app, which gauges your farts on a scale of 1-100. To demonstrate, Will held an iPhone up to his ass, farted on it and read the results: “[The app] named the fart The Buttweiser…the value was a 10, length was a 10, range was an 8, bass was a 10, treble was a 10. Humidity was moist, smell was gross. Total score 100.”
Howard was impressed: “You really are the king of all farters.”