Eric the Actor Took an I.Q. Test

Wack Packer calls in with an update

November 3, 2010
Photo: The Howard Stern Show

Eric the Actor called in to say he’d finally submitted to the staff and Wack Pack I.Q. test. “I stumbled over a few things but all in all I think I did a good job,” he told Howard.

Shuli clarified that Eric had taken an online I.Q. test—separate from the Stern Show approved and officially administered test—and reported a score of 4 out of 6. Eric said his score came out to a 70%, but Shuli said he later learned Eric was mistaken. The Wack Packer had actually scored 4 out of 10, meaning his I.Q. score was rated at 70 points.

Gary then tried to have Eric multiply 9 times 7, but Eric hung up instead: “Bye!”