Show Rundown: November 03, 2010
Baba Booey’s Media Day
Adam Carolla Cries, Can’t Hang
Little Lupe Calls In
Eric the Actor Took an I.Q. Test
Eric the Actor Took an I.Q. Test
Wack Packer calls in with an update
November 3, 2010

Eric the Actor called in to say he’d finally submitted to the staff and Wack Pack I.Q. test. “I stumbled over a few things but all in all I think I did a good job,” he told Howard.
Shuli clarified that Eric had taken an online I.Q. test—separate from the Stern Show approved and officially administered test—and reported a score of 4 out of 6. Eric said his score came out to a 70%, but Shuli said he later learned Eric was mistaken. The Wack Packer had actually scored 4 out of 10, meaning his I.Q. score was rated at 70 points.
Gary then tried to have Eric multiply 9 times 7, but Eric hung up instead: “Bye!”