Show Rundown: July 26, 2011
Steve Langford Quits the Show
Hard Hitting Journalism: Was Langford Bitter?
Hard Hitting Journalism: Was Langford Bitter?

While on the topic, Howard said he’d heard–secondhand–that Steve did not leave happy: “He kind of said that he was mad at me because I would leave him waiting in the hall while we were doing the show. And I didn’t bring him right in. That’s what I heard. But I don’t–I can’t even believe that he said that. I mean, listen, it’s part of your job. So you sit around and wait. What’s so bad about that? When we’re in the middle of keeping the show going, I’m not going to interrupt the show for Steve’s report.” Gary said he’d talked with Steve about the issue many times, and Steve had always been cooperative: “He never complained about that.” Howard confessed that he sometimes held Steve back: “There were a couple stories that I thought were way over the board. Like killing people’s lives. Destroying them. So I said, you know, maybe you should back off a little.”