Show Rundown: May 15, 2013
Sal The Non-Believing Believer
Rob Corddry Squares Off Against Benjy Bronk
HowardTV: Rob Corddry Is ‘That Guy’
My Mother Eats P*ssy!
My Mother Eats P*ssy!

That may just be the line of the week, once it came flying out of Rob’s mouth as he was telling Howard about how his mother came out of the closet as a lesbian when Rob was twenty-five years old.
The Corddry’s got married quickly and raised three children in what Rob called “the perfect suburban family.” But then, when the road got rocky, his parents went into therapy and his dad started running around quoting from Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, but none of it helped. The heart wants what the heart wants. And sometimes that’s vagina.
Looking back, Rob can see that she was depressed and had locked her real feelings away when he was younger. The only hint of lesbian feelings his mom could recall from before was having a crush on the nurse who helped deliver Rob’s sister.
If there does turn out to be a gay gene, Rob hopes his daughters inherited it. They’re so lovely now, and the worst thing they could do For Rob is “bring dicks into the house.”
Some other highlights from Rob Corddry’s interview:
– Rob created his TV show Children’s Hospital as a fifteen minute Web Series, and it was picked up by Adult Swim.
– Rob revealed that Hot Tub Time Machine 2 will travel to the future without going all that far (only about 10 years).
– Rob admitted that he was attracted to HowardTV director Scott DePace’s wife Pam (who was a colleague of Rob’s when they worked at The Daily Show). Scott was flattered by Rob’s lust, taunting him with “I got her!”