Stern Show Staff Photos: Here’s Who’s Gone From Fit to Flabby
Stern Show Staff Photos: Here’s Who’s Gone From Fit to Flabby
Quite a few pounds have been put on in these before and after pics

Several staffers have packed on some pounds since they started on the Stern Show. Then again, a few have actually managed to lose some weight while working for Howard. Check out the before and after photos (below) to see some of the dramatic changes that’ve happened in the back office throughout the years.

Here’s JD Harmeyer from many, many years ago. Howard’s media producer started out super skinny…

But has steadily gained some lbs.

Scott the Engineer has been both skinny…

… And quite large in his time on the Stern Show. Here he is looking like the size of 25 black clouds.

Jason Kaplan wasn’t always so overweight.

These days, he’s definitely wearing at least an XL.

Benjy’s weight tends to go both up and down. Here he is down…

And here he is up. Way, way up.

Jon Hein used to look quite trim…

But as that shirt would suggest, he’s gotten a bit bigger over time.

Richard Christy attributed his massive weight loss to an iPhone app…

Here he is before he started counting his calories.

A young Shuli Egar looking skinny as can be.

However, here’s Shuli on one of his heavier days.