Show Rundown: Wednesday February 18, 2015
Hall & Oates Make Their Stern Show Debut
Hall & Oates Make Their Stern Show Debut
Legendary rock duo visit the studio for the very first time

Daryl Hall has been on the show twice, but the legendary duo Hall & Oates had never appeared together until this morning.
It was a big moment for music fans everywhere – especially Stern Show executive producer Gary Dell’Abate. Gary is such an enormous fan of the band that he actually modelled (and continues to model) his look after John Oates.
There have been reports of Daryl and John not getting along so well, but they seemed quite friendly today. They reminisced a little about how they met – Daryl and John found themselves in an elevator, avoiding a mob fight and got to talking. They knew they were right for each other.
And they showed us exactly why this morning.
Howard took Daryl and John through Hall & Oates’ hugest hits, like ‘Sara Smile’.
‘Sara Smile’ – was actually written about a real girl, named – you guessed it – Sara. She and Daryl were in a relationship for decades – until 2001 – and Sara actually wrote some of Hall & Oates’ other huge hits – ‘Maneater’, ‘Private Eyes’, and ‘I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do)’.
‘Rich Girl’ – That’s a much younger Daryl singing. ‘There’s a lot of whiskey between then and now’, he laughed as he listened to his young vocals. Though he feels his voice is richer now.
The song was written over a year period, he had a great chorus but kept writing verses and verses until he got it right.
‘Private Eyes’ – Daryl was brought this song by his then-girlfriend Sara. It was unfinished and he finished it.
‘Maneater’ – was written as a reggae song but Daryl said ‘Hall and Oates don’t do reggae’. It came out as more of a Motown sound. The song was actually about New York City in the 1980s, but they made it sound like it was about a woman and it was a huge hit. They’re tricky, Daryl and John.
Daryl and John also told Howard about the mega hit charity single ‘We Are The World’, which Hall & Oates performed on. They said it was a surreal experience standing next to Bob Dylan, and all the other artists were acting like high school kids asking for autographs.
Oh, and one other thing: Daryl famously expressed his violent hatred of deer last time he was on the show. The hatred was prompted by a career-threatening case of lyme disease.
Well Daryld stepped it up today – extending his hatred to rabbits and field mice. ‘F*ck field mice,’ Daryl spat, ‘they don’t have sphincters. Everything just drops out of them.’
Contemplate that over dinner and then hop on over to your local movie theater for the one night only event Hall & Oates Live in Dublin tomorrow night!