Show Rundown: Wednesday June 8, 2016
Ronnie Dubs the City: ‘New York Titty’
Tommy From Malden Explains How He Found His Wife on Craigslist
Joey Boots Hits Up Howard For Money
Joey Boots Hits Up Howard For Money
But it isn't for him ...

Joey Boots told Howard that he started a GoFundMe in order to bring High Pitch Erik on vacation with him to Los Angeles. Joey wants to take Erik to a Dodgers game and go to a few museums.
Shuli wondered why Joey wouldn’t just pay for Erik himself considering he recently came into a sizable sum of money. “Don’t spend my money dude,” an irritated Joey responded.
“Howard, you and Robin of all people should be donating to this. I mean, for all the entertainment Erik’s given everyone over the years,” he continued. “What’s $1,500, Howard? It’s a drop in the bucket for Howard Stern.”
Gary Dell’Abate wondered why no one was allowed to tell Joey how to spend his money, but he could tell Howard how to spend his.
“I ask not for myself. I ask for Erik,” Joey said.