Little did Howard know that while he’s opening up his mic and starting the Stern Show early in the morning his wife Beth is upstairs in their kitchen pouring herself a big bowl of hearts, stars, horseshoes, and clovers.
“I found out Beth has a secret breakfast when I leave,” Howard informed Robin on Tuesday. “She has a box of Lucky Charms hidden.”
Evidently, Beth has been enjoying the marshmallow cereal every day while Howard is downstairs in his home studio. It wasn’t until this week that she came clean about her morning meal of choice, though she wouldn’t let Howard watch her eat any before he started his show today.
“She’s up there eating Lucky Charms right now,” Howard said with a laugh.
Beth’s secret breakfast wasn’t so secret after Howard told his entire audience. Her brother also texted Beth to tell her Howard was spilling her cereal secret live on the air so she posted a pic for all of her Instagram followers to see (above).
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