VIDEO: JD Harmeyer and Jon Blitt Reflect on Their Paris Trip
VIDEO: JD Harmeyer and Jon Blitt Reflect on Their Paris Trip
“You’re fucking trying to kill me,” JD exclaims to his friend and Stern Show colleague while walking the City of Light
Last summer, Stern Show staffers JD Harmeyer and Jon Blitt embarked on a guys’ trip to arguably one of the most romantic places in the world — Paris, France. On Tuesday, the duo reflected on their time together as Howard played some highlights.
After settling in from their first-class flight, Blitt wasted no time taking his colleague to many of Paris’ tourist hot spots like the Catacombs, which contains millions of centuries-old human remains. “That was a lot of bullshit walking,” JD complained after climbing 100 stairs before offering a suggestion. “Add a fucking elevator.”
At one point, the two did so much walking that JD simply had enough. “You’re fucking trying to kill me,” he complained to Blitt.
JD did his best to speak the native language, but he struggled. “For my money, your French is as good as your English,” Howard joked after hearing his staffer attempt to order food. “You should just do charades for the waiter and see if they can follow you better that way.”
But despite the language barrier and excessive walking, JD grew emotional discussing the experience. “It was out of my element, [but] Blitt, despite him messing with me so much, he translated things or whatever, he planned everything or whatever and, so, yeah, it meant a lot to me,” he explained.
“It meant a lot to me, too, Blitt agreed. “It was really a great bonding trip.”