Thanks to Everyone Who Helped Rescue Over 250 Cats and Dogs
Howard, Beth, and a small group of their friends helped cover adoption fees this past weekend at North Shore Animal League
December 15, 2016
Over 250 cats and dogs from North Shore Animal League America found loving homes over the weekend after Beth, Howard, and a small-group of their friends set up a fund which helped cover the costs of adoption fees for animal-lovers looking to adopt in time for the holidays.
Yes, thanks to the kind hearts and incredible generosity of everyone who welcomed an animal into their homes this past weekend — including so many Stern Show listeners — over 250 dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens of every breed and age imaginable were rescued from the shelter.
“My wish was to provide this holiday gift to animal lovers as well as the dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens who were in need of homes, and of course to North Shore Animal League America,” Beth said in a statement. “To know that so many homeless animals will now have homes for the holidays, especially so many of the older cats and dogs, is the best gift of all.”
“We have been so fortunate to work with Beth as a volunteer, foster parent and national spokesperson for over a decade,” added Joanne Yohannan, Senior Vice President of Operations, North Shore Animal League America. “Beth is truly committed to saving as many innocent lives as possible and I’m thrilled to see so many empty cages”.
North Shore Animal League America is the world’s largest no-kill animal shelter and has helped save over one million lives.
Click here for more information on last weekend’s successful rescue operation.