The Newest Trend in Plastic Surgery Is ‘Barbie Vaginas’
Designer genitals - or “labiaplasty” - has been on the rise, according to experts
January 27, 2017
Just when it seems like plastic surgery trends can’t get stranger, something else arises from the silicon-based ashes.
More and more women are going under the knife for “labiaplasty,” or designer genitals, according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS). Most often, labiaplasty involves trimming back the inner “lips” or labia minora flanking the vaginal opening. According to some, the procedure results in ones genitals looking like that of a Barbie doll.
“I have performed more this past six months than I have had in years.,” plastic surgeon Dr. Steven Davis told “Most of the women are women who have given birth at least once and their labia have gotten stretched out or ‘asymmetrical.'” Davis also pointed out that the average age of labiaplasty customers is around 25 to 35 years old.
While there have been some concerns of the safety of the surgery, Davis said the process is “very safe if it is being done by the appropriate physician.”
“Much like other cosmetic surgery procedures, a board certified plastic surgeon that has trained in reconstructive procedures of female and male genitalia should be consulted,” he continued, adding that the healing happens very quickly.
Read more about the labiaplasty here.