Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: August 13, 2020
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
August 13, 2020- 0
- 0
“I started having a lot of bruises show up on my body in bizarre places like on my stomach, on my chest, like what?” _______ recalling the mysterious marks that for a time inexplicably appeared on their body
joey king
james hetfield
lars ulrich
robin quivers
“Rush like in a rush and roulette … it’s a game where you put a bullet in a gun and you spin it.” _______ attempting to compare the mail system in Italy to Russian roulette
jd harmeyer
benjy bronk
sal governale
richard christy
“The first half of your life is causing destruction and the second half of your life is maybe cleaning a bit of it up.” _______ on HOW THEIR ATTITUDE HAS CHANGED AS they’ve gotten older
howard stern
james hetfield
lars ulrich
fred norris
“I always try to do the cat eye thing.” _______ after getting complimented on their new look
joey king
robin quivers
beth stern
mariann from brooklyn
“I always say calling this show is like being a writer on “Saturday Night Live” because it’s a lot to come up with content.” _______ describing the pressures of calling into the Stern Show
mariann from brooklyn
high pitch erik
jeff the drunk
“I tuck myself in watching ‘Frasier’ every night.” _______ on how they choose to wind down at the end of the day
joey king
lars ulrich
james hetfield
robert trujillo
“There are so many nuts outside … they’re not socializing, they’re like jerking off and like screaming at people.” _______ complaining about the current state of their New York City neighborhood
jon hein
memet walker
“You have to wrangle him, it’s like working with cattle.” _______ on the challenges of working with Sour Shoes
gary dell’abate
shuli egar
jason kaplan
derek jones
“I saw my first barium enema when I was interning at the hospital … this guy shoved a tube up an old lady’s ass and she just shot all over the wall and I almost vomited.” _______ recalling an event that made them rethink their career path
robin quivers
jon hein
sal governale
memet walker
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