Show Rundown: June 9, 2005
Howard Has Some Phone Troubles
Hello and Goodbye to Leslie West
West’s Eruption
West’s Eruption

Leslie told how his girlfriend had had a heart attack last year (she’s fine now) and that it had really scared him — to the point where he subjected himself to a 4.5 hour “stress” test that checked out his entire Cardiovascular system. He said at his age, with his lifestyle (smoking and being overweight) and his history, he was ready for the worse. Leslie recalled that even the doctor looked shocked when he told him that there was nothing wrong with him. Howard was very happy to hear that and wanted to know what Leslie was up to these days. Leslie has a brand new album called “Eruption” in stores now and Howard read off a bunch of tour dates, all of which can be found at Dominic Barbara called in to get Leslie to tell the story of how he once tried to choke his ex-wife’s lawyer during negotiations and Leslie told how Dominic then worked his magic and got him out of trouble. Howard then thanked Leslie for all he has done for the show in the past and made sure he knew how much he and everyone appreciated him and his music. Then they talked about how great the facilities at SIRIUS were. Leslie said it looked like something out of “Star Trek” up there. They spent a few minutes talking about Leslie’s new album, “Eruption” and played some tracks from it. Leslie closed by playing Dylan’s “Blowin? in the Wind” live, acoustic, in the studio. Leslie said that this was from his next project, “Mountain Does Dylan”.