Show Rundown: June 23, 2005
Wrong Again
Wrong Again
Once again the NY Post seems to have gotten their facts wrong. Howard recalled how Post reporter, Jon Mainelli, who has always been trying to bug Howard, wrote an article about the end of the E! Show. Mainelli wrote that Howard was surprised that E! wasn’t renewing his show. Howard wondered how he could possibly have been surprised by this when they would’ve had to have begun negotiating a new contract months ago if they were going to renew. The article went on to allege that Howard was now busy shopping for a network to air the show.
Howard laughed at this and said that Mainelli also insinuated that Howard needed TV more than ever now because he will soon be leaving the terrestrial airwaves for SIRIUS and needs the audience a TV show will bring. Howard said in the next few weeks, all will be revealed, including who is desperate for whom. Howard reiterated that he not only held the #1 rating spot on the entire E! network, but also the 2nd, 3rd and 4th spots as well, so he really wasn’t worried. He also recalled that back in the Channel 9 days — before E! — their shows would frequently beat Saturday Night Live’s ratings. Robin thought Mainelli must be worried because if Howard left TV, he would have nothing to write about.