Show Rundown: August 23, 2005
Small Dogs Only
Idol Envy
Idol Envy
Eric the Midget called in to report on the “American Idol” concert he attended last weekend. A few weeks ago, Eric asked Howard to get in touch with the Maloof brothers to see if Eric could get backstage at the show. Howard had Gary contact them, and Eric was able to meet the performers. Eric thanked Howard, but he was most grateful to Gary, who Eric felt did most of the work. Howard said that no matter what he does for him, Eric refuses to thank him. Robin told Eric that the only reason Gary was able to get in touch with the Maloofs in the first place was because of Howard’s name.
In addition to wanting to meet the singers, Eric also wanted to deliver to them a demo CD from a 12-year-old country singer named Brianna, whom Eric had met at a county fair. Eric was able to give the demo to “Idol” winner, Carrie Underwood. Robin thought the tape probably went straight into the garbage, but Howard seemed to think people like Carrie are probably nice to him given his condition. Artie agreed. He added that Carrie probably waited at least 10 minutes before throwing the tape away. Howard commented that he would’ve loved to have heard a tape of the conversation Eric had with Carrie about Brianna, especially considering Carrie barely has a musical career herself. Eric said Carrie was really nice to him, and that he would be willing to go on a date with her if he ever had the chance
Unfortunately, Eric wasn’t able to meet with the Maloof brothers to discuss the hotel business as he had hoped to do. Robin thought it was a shame Eric didn’t get the chance to share his ideas with them, or at least let them know he has a certificate in hotel management.