Hurricane Katrina Affects Thousands of Pets In the Area

Visit or call 877-4savepet if you'd like to help a stranded animal

September 6, 2005

Beth O. phoned in to help raise money for the North Shore Animal League, an organization attempting to rescue animals affected by Katrina.

Beth said it breaks her heart to watch the news and see all those dogs just swimming around in the toxic water with no place to go.

Howard brought up that he saw a report about a rescued boy who started vomiting because he had to leave his dog behind. Beth reported that through this effort, cargo vans are being sent to New Orleans and the surrounding areas to help save any animals they can. Once the animals are safe, they will then be put up for adoption.

She suggested anyone interested in adopting an animal, as well as those who can contribute money, crates or cargo vans, visit or call 877-4savepet.