Show Rundown: September 29, 2005
Watching Men Play
Will the Farter Is Having a Gas
Will the Farter Is Having a Gas
Fan favorite calls in about all things flatulence

After speaking to Will the Farter on the air, Howard was convinced he was making the right move in going ahead with his plan to broadcast his flatulent fans live on air. Howard announced Will would work from 6 – 10 p.m., Dan would fill the 6 a.m.- 10 a.m. slot and Debbie the Queefer would do her thing from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.. Robin commented that Howard should hire another queefer for the overnight shift just to balance out the schedule, but Howard told her that was an example of once again putting too much thought into it.
Words of Encouragement
Dan the Farter was on the line again to tell Howard that he was really excited about the possibility of working for him. Dan promised Howard that he’d be able to perform at will, and wouldn’t even need a break. Robin noted that she thought the farters would start getting competitive with one another just to prove who was the best at his craft. Artie added that Howard should make all the participants sign releases in case their colons end up falling out.