Show Rundown: October 24, 2005
No Rules in Space
No Rules in Space

Howard said he was surprised because James Woods stopped by the party. Howard added that James brought a really attractive girl with him, but he claimed he wasn’t having sex with her. Ronnie commented that the girl was so good looking that some guys thought she was a stripper and tried to get dances from her. Gary also informed Howard that some of the people at the event told him they had some great stories to tell for the SIRIUS broadcast of the party, but that it was unusable because of its risqué content. Although Gary noted that he tried to explain that there were no rules as to what could air on satellite, he said the guys didn’t seem to get the concept. Howard advised Gary that he should’ve cleared up the matter by telling them that High Pitch Eric is going to be spending all day Thursday weighing his own feces.