Show Rundown: December 15, 2005
A Day for the Fans
Time to Say Goodbye
Time to Say Goodbye
Howard mentioned that as a Christmas gift Tom gave him, Robin, Fred and Gary each a watch from Tiffany’s that had the years they worked at Infinity engraved on the back.
Howard pointed out that, although he couldn’t see the numbers on the watch, he would wear the watch when he attended special events.
Tom responded that he bought everyone else a Christmas present as well, but that he wanted to get something special for the four people who had been with the company since the show’s move there 20 years ago.
Tom also acknowledged that he cried when he gave Robin her watch, and added that he has been getting emotional very easily since his battle with cancer a few years ago.
A Bad Day for Anarchy
Howard reported that Tom was upset yesterday, not just because some of the station’s employees replaced the KROCK signs in the halls with tombstones as a way of protesting its switch to an all-talk format in January, but also because it happened on the day Les Moonves and Joel Hollander stopped in to say goodbye to the show. Tom responded that he understood his employees’ frustration with the move, but that he didn’t want his bosses to get the sense that he couldn’t keep people in order.
Sooner Than Expected
Gary commented that the watch was such a thoughtful gift that it was difficult for him to still be mad at Tom this morning. Tom then explained to Howard that he broke the news to Gary today that they will need to clear out their belongings from the studio a day earlier than was originally planned, because of the amount of work that needs to be done to the studio. Given this, Gary told Howard that they’ll have to come in on Saturday to remove their things, as opposed to having until Monday to do it. Gary went on to say that David Lee Roth is being treated like royalty by people at the station and that, when he ran into him yesterday in the building, he was surrounded by an entourage of people. Howard responded that he’s not mad at David about anything, and that he hopes his show will be successful.
Cleveland Sends the Love
A listener called in and reported that the show’s Cleveland affiliate WNCX has been running a promo recently that honors Howard. After the listener played the clip of the spot, Howard commented that the commercial was a class move on the station’s part. Because the caller was speaking in a peculiar manner, Howard asked him what was wrong with his voice. The caller responded that, while he was fighting in Afghanistan, he was struck in the throat by shrapnel and that he has gone through several surgeries in an attempt to correct the problem.
The caller proceeded to wonder if he could play one final contest on the show, but Howard told him there were no prizes to give away. However, because of the man’s bravery, Howard was able to get him a watch from Steven Singer Jewelers, while Artie said he’d also send him an autographed copy of “It’s the Whiskey Talking.” As if that wasn’t enough, Benjy promised that he’d mail the listener what was left of “The Real Doll” if he wanted it, which he said he did.