Show Rundown: December 16, 2005
Miracle on 56th Street
Never a Dry Moment
Zero Hour: 9 A.M.
Black for More
A Walk Down Memory Lane
Paying Homage to Hank
The First Taste of Acceptance
The First Taste of Acceptance
Howard announced that the purpose of today’s show was not just to say goodbye, but also to mark a new beginning. Howard explained that the thought of having a smaller audience when he moves to SIRIUS is exciting to him, mainly because he feels it will allow him to “fly under the radar” and try new things.
Robin then reminded Howard that they enjoyed the same luxury when they first began their careers, adding that those were some of her best memories of the show. Robin also pointed out that, for the first time in their careers, everyone for whom they’ll be working will be supportive of the show, which will be a foreign feeling for her.
Taking It in From the Last Time
Because it was time to get ready for the speeches, Gary said that he had to go to the street for good, but that he first wanted to say goodbye to the studio. To help Gary remember how emotional he was feeling at the moment, Fred played a montage of Baba Booey songs. Gary responded to the gesture that Fred just couldn’t let him leave with any pride.
More Than He Can Handle
Richard came into the studio to say what an honor it was to be a part of the final show. Richard went on to note how incredible it was to him that, just a few years ago, he was a listener and this morning he got to actually take part in the final broadcast.
Before he left, Richard poured himself some vodka and announced he was going to do a shot as a toast to the show. Robin and Artie joined Richard, who began gagging after the drink. When Howard asked what was wrong with him, Richard replied that he had never drunk a shot as big as the one he had just swallowed.
Robin then pointed out that she asked specifically asked Richard to get her champagne when he made his booze run this morning and that he came back with a bottle of Great Western. Howard told Robin that was the best she should expect when she sends a hillbilly out to get her champagne.
There’s Nothing Like Family
As the show came back from break, Howard played Joe Walsh’s in-studio version of “Desperado.” Robin noted that the aspect of the song she enjoyed the most this morning was watching Artie lip-sync the lyrics.
Howard went on to comment that the song was taking on a more personal meaning for him today because it was playing while members of his family were sitting on the couch to say goodbye. Howard first thanked his parents, Ben and Ray, for always having watched over him, before adding that his sister Ellen was making her debut in the studio.
Howard recalled that whenever he invited Ellen to make an appearance in the past, she always responded by asking him if she’d have to take off her top if she did.
Howard proceeded to introduce his niece Pam and her husband Jeff, as well as his oldest daughter Emily and her boyfriend Alex. Howard recalled that, when he got fired from NBC in the 1980s, “The New York Post” ran on its front page a picture of him holding Emily shortly after she was born and that the photograph made it look like they were living on the streets together.
Emily assured Howard that she loves him and that she’s proud of what he’s accomplished.
Pam told Howard that he was a great uncle to her, which led Howard to remember how he tried to get his first job in radio near Ellen and Pam in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, but was turned down by the owner of the station on the spot.
Ben then admitted that he was getting choked up on the way to the studio, while Ray noted that the entire event was bittersweet to her. Artie added that he, too, was getting emotional because he was thinking about his dad, the man who he said originally turned him onto the show 20 years ago and who has since passed away.