Show Rundown: February 22, 2006
Anger No One Understands
Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel
Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel

Robin reported that she tuned into “The Ditsy Misty Show” last night and, although she thought it was entertaining, she would’ve liked it more had Misty gone off the way she did during her appearance on yesterday’s show. Since the topic of talk shows came up, Howard mentioned that he had a clip of Tyra Banks discussing her greatest fear during her recent show about phobias. In the clip, Tyra admitted that she has a fear of dolphins, which she said stemmed from a dream she had when she was a child. Upon hearing this, Howard wondered when Tyra would ever have to encounter her phobia in real life, unless she decided to be a dolphin trainer. Howard went on to say that he has a fear of being eaten by sharks, but that he’s not too concerned with ever having to deal with it. Howard also pointed out that Tyra was so moved by her revelation that she began crying during the segment.