Show Rundown: April 6, 2006
Artie Could’ve Been 7-11’s ‘Hot Dog Man’
The Glitz & Glamour of the Howard Stern Film Festival
The Glitz & Glamour of the Howard Stern Film Festival

Doug Goodstein came into the studio to discuss The Howard Stern Film Festival, which he mentioned will take place on April 27th.
Doug admitted that, due to a recent illness, he’s fallen behind in organizing some of the festival’s details, but promised Howard that he’d be caught up soon.
After taking some instructions from Howard about how the event should be arranged, Doug reported that the night will start with Red Peters performing his song, “I Can’t Say These Things,” and will also include a standup routine by Artie, as well as the premieres of the entries made by people from the show and the movies of the eight fan finalists.
Doug added that the theatre where the film festival will be held sits about 600 people, and that an after-party will be thrown for a portion of the crowd at the festival’s conclusion.
Doug then reminded people that final entries for the film festival are due by this Tuesday, April 11th.
This contest is over and submissions are no longer being accepted.