April 20, 2006
Photo: The Howard Stern Show
Howard brought up Henry recently got himself into a controversy while traveling on a plane. Henry reported he was flying to Australia at the time and started reading the New York Times bestseller, “Jihad,” while en route. Henry then said the man sitting next to him on the plane struck up a conversation with him, and he didn’t think anything of it until a few days later when he got a letter from the Australian government. Henry recalled the woman from the government informed him his co-passenger got in touch with her department to say Henry might be a terrorist, based on the book he was reading. After Henry commented the only thing to which he’s a terrorist was his breakfast, he added he told the woman that Australian Prime Minister John Howard was “a sissy.” Henry went on to say the woman apologized to him and explained the Australian government was responsible for investigating all the potential terrorist reports it receives.