Show Rundown: May 10, 2006
Not Going Back to FM
Not Going Back to FM

Howard began this morning noting there’s a rumor circulating that he’s thinking about simulcasting a watered-down version of his SIRIUS show onto terrestrial radio. However, Howard assured his listeners that this was NOT the case, even though he’s been made such an offer by “three of the major broadcasting companies” to do so. Howard added it would be “the biggest sell-out move” for him if he chose to go back to terrestrial radio, explaining he left the medium because he couldn’t stand it. After Robin pointed out Howard wouldn’t want to be “shackled” again as he was before he came to satellite, Howard also mentioned he couldn’t imagine telling the 3.5 million listeners who have subscribed to SIRIUS since he announced he was going there, that he’ll now be offering the same show for free. Howard admitted he had a fantasy of going back to regular radio just to beat his competitors in the ratings again, but went on to say he would NOT do it “over anyone’s dead body.” Artie then said the only good aspect in “the wreck” that has become his life is waking up every morning knowing he’s a part of Howard’s show. Howard played four clips of news people discussing his “move,” before bringing up the fact that SIRIUS paid him in order to have exclusive content for its service and he would never do anything to jeopardize that. Howard went on to report he didn’t want the story out there, because potential SIRIUS subscribers might start to believe they can just wait and get his program for free, which he again insisted is NOT going to happen.