Show Rundown: May 15, 2006
No Joking Matter
No Joking Matter
Howard discusses the difficulties of writing good material for his agent's birthday

Howard brought up his agent, Don Buchwald, had a birthday party Saturday night, and it was also a roast, so he spent the days preceding the event worrying about what he was going to say.
Howard noted that once he came up with some material, he called Beth, who was in California, to run it by her, but she didn’t respond well to any of it. Howard then commented that, since he felt his jokes were good, he decided Beth wasn’t laughing because they didn’t translate well over the phone, and not because they weren’t funny.
Although Howard said he didn’t think he did well at the roast, Robin, who was also there, assured him he was the only one who felt that way because she noticed everyone in the audience was laughing at his speech.
Howard went on to say the roast’s host, Jay Thomas, was especially funny, before pointing out he never feels as comfortable speaking to crowds as he does when he’s behind the mic.
However, Artie told Howard even he gets nervous at private parties, explaining he never knows who’ll be in the audience or what the crowd will want him to say.