Show Rundown: May 24, 2006
A Translator Of the Aliens
A Translator Of the Aliens

Howard brought up that Riley Martin hosted another show last night and he got about 20,000 calls per hour. Howard then played a clip of Sal calling into the program to tell Riley his “great-grandfather” died as a result of being abducted by aliens but had left an alien phrase to his heirs who had been trying to get it translated for over 60 years. In reality this “phrase” was really a clip of a homeless African man saying something in his native tongue, however, Riley responded to the voice by explaining Sal’s “great-grandfather” was speaking the first language of Atlantis, before giving the following exact translation: “You, too, are the children of the light and we have come to dwell among you and ultimately embrace you.” After hearing this, Sal thanked Riley and told him finding out what his “great-grandfather” said was “a blessing.”