Show Rundown: September 13, 2006
Comedian Sarah Silverman Is Here
Jimmy Kimmel Calls in During Sarah Silverman’s Interview
Jimmy Kimmel Calls in During Sarah Silverman’s Interview
Eric the Midget also joins the conversation

Howard mentioned he and Beth once went on vacation with Sarah Silverman and her boyfriend, Jimmy Kimmel, and that it was one of the best trips he ever shared with another couple. Howard did wonder, though, if Sarah and Jimmy talked about him behind his back, but Sarah assured him all they discussed was how great both he and Beth were at telling stories. Howard responded that he was pretty sure he “loved” Jimmy, and acknowledged he never talks about them after they get together.
Sarah acknowledged she has been on antidepressants since she was 13, and explained that depression ran in her family. Sarah also said her family’s depression was the reason she didn’t want to have “a vagina baby,” noting she didn’t want to see it suffer the way she sometimes did.
Jimmy then got on the line and reported he never saw Sarah when she wasn’t on medication, and Howard asked her if she could ever completely get off her antidepressants. However, before Sarah addressed the question, Howard got Eric the Midget on the line, which Jimmy noted excited him.
When Jimmy asked Eric why he had yet to be flown with balloons, Howard answered that it was because Eric was demanding he sign a legal waiver, and he wasn’t interested in getting lawyers involved with the stunt.
Eric then claimed he was about to agree to participate in the stunt last night, but changed his mind when someone on the Internet threatened to post his home address on one of Howard’s fan sites. Howard, Jimmy and Sarah then tried to negotiate a deal that would get Eric to fly, but all he said was that he’d think about it.