Daily Rundown: February 5, 2007
Super Bowl Round Up: From Prince to the Commercials to Dungy’s Son
A Little Help from His Friend
When Rough Sex Goes Wrong
Itching the Be By Artie’s Side
Air Safety No Longer An Excuse
All Worked Up Over Fat
Keeping His Word on a $200 Forgotten Wager
Say It Ain’t So: Has True Love Come to an End?
Say It Ain’t So: Has True Love Come to an End?
February 5, 2007

During Robin’s news, Bigfoot’s girlfriend, Lori, called in to report the two of them had broken up, and that she kicked him out of her house. Lori said she became furious at Bigfoot after he accused her of having a lesbian affair with her own daughter, and insisted he was telling lies – like that she was abusing him – about her as well. As Lori continued to make allegations, Howard interrupted her and noted he wanted to get her and Bigfoot on the line tomorrow to settle the matter.