Show Rundown: March 12, 2007
Richard Jeni Is Gone Too Soon
Richard Jeni Is Gone Too Soon

The show started with Robin acknowledging she was tired, not only because of Day Light Savings Time, but mostly because she got home from a weekend racing trip to California at 1 a.m.
This led Artie to recall three times when he didn’t sleep at all prior to coming to work on the show, and Robin added she did that once, years ago after a Guns N’ Roses concert.
Howard went on to discuss how upset he was about the suicide of the comedian, Richard Jeni, who he noted had been on the show a number of times. Artie then pointed out he was a fan of Richard’s as well, and also mentioned what a big fan of the show he knew Richard was.
Robin brought up how funny she thought Richard was in “The Mask,” and Howard said he believed that, in order to be nominated for an Academy Award, a movie had to be depressing, noting he watched one such film over the weekend, “Little Children.” Upon hearing that, Artie agreed with Howard’s assessment of the movie, and added he would never be able to look at Jackie Earle Haley, one of its stars, the same way again given his role as a pedophile in it.