Show Rundown: March 22, 2007
‘Family Jewels’ Stars Gene Simmons & Shannon Tweed Stop By the Stern Show
Chuck Zito: Born at the Wrong Time
Chuck Zito: Born at the Wrong Time

Howard played a tape from Chuck Zito’s show he did on SIRIUS recently, discussing how he was helping Tim Sabean train for the Battle of the Blobs.
Tim then came into the studio and reported Chuck had him applying oil and wearing a wetsuit, with a rubber suit on top of that, to help him sweat more during his workouts. Howard proceeded to play another clip from Chuck’s show, this one featuring him talking about the times he “bitch slapped” a guy at Scores and ended up knocking him out as a result.
This led Howard to acknowledge he felt badly for Chuck, explaining he was so tough that, had he been born in caveman times, he would’ve been the most powerful man alive thanks to his strength. He then played another clip of Chuck talking about the time he had to fight 18 bikers by himself, with a listener calling in to corroborate the story. After hearing that story, Howard mentioned that, in nature, only some male apes – the strong ones – were the ones that got to have sex, and added he thought Chuck would’ve been that ape if he were, in fact, an ape.