Show Rundown: April 17, 2007
The Morning Chew: Howard Talks Sleep, Deirdre Imus, and Robin’s Racing Bet
Robin Is Fearless and Loving Every Minute of It
Virginia Tech Shooting Inspires A Good Idea from Ronnie
Joining Forces for the Movement
Joining Forces for the Movement

Howard had Dave DellaTerza the founder of into the studio.
Howard began the interview by asking Dave why he’s been saying that Sanjaya wouldn’t actually be crowned the next “American Idol,” and he replied he thought it was because the show’s producers would figure out someway to get him off the show.
Dave went on to mention he was going to be a guest on “Late with David Letterman” tonight, which led Howard to say that, like Jon Hein, who sold his Website,, for millions of dollars to TV Guide, he was getting notoriety through something he never imagined would bring him fame and fortune.
Dave then admitted he felt all the attention he was getting was “funny,” while also noting being on both Howard’s show and “Late Show” were big deals to him.
A Man of His Word
Howard remembered that when he originally spoke to Dave on the telephone a few weeks ago that he revealed he was gay. Howard also recalled Dave claimed he and his boyfriend hadn’t had anal sex with each other at the time, but that if Sanjaya continued to stay on “American Idol” he promised that would change.
Dave responded by saying he and his boyfriend have indeed now had anal sex, with each of them both “giving and receiving.”
Beginning to See Some Cash

Dave reported he was now starting to make money with his Website because of all the attention Sanjaya was getting, and that it got 10 million visits a week.
This led Howard to ask Dave if he thought he’d ever personally hear from Sanjaya, but Dave acknowledged he didn’t believe he would, at least not while he was still on the show. Howard then announced he was convinced Sanjaya would win the entire competition, and again thanked his fans for allowing Sanjaya to remain on the show.
Howard proceeded to take some calls for Dave, with one listener pointing out he was one of the few gay men who admitted to having had anal sex. Dave responded by noting he wasn’t embarrassed by that aspect of his life, and that he only did it with partners whom he loved.