Show Rundown: September 4, 2007
Howard Hangs With Jon Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, and More
Gay Pick Up Etiquette
Gay Pick Up Etiquette
September 4, 2007
Howard remarked that former Senator Larry Craig shouldn’t have had to resign over his scandal just because it involved gay (instead of straight) sex. A caller who cruises for gay sex at public bathrooms explained the codes/process that Craig got caught using: 1. Sit in stall until a man enters the stall next to you. 2. Move foot slightly. 3. Move foot more aggressively. 4. Touch the shoe/ankle of the man in the stall next to you. 5. If your signals are reciprocated, enter the stall. 6. Decide quickly: Is he hot (enough)? 7. Engage in gay sex. 8. Repeat if desired. 9. Wipe chin. 10. Go home to your wife.