Show Rundown: December 4, 2007
Robin WIll Dance Off Those Cookies
Eric the Actor Picks a Winner … and Eats It
Martina Navratilova Stops by the Stern Show
Martina Navratilova Stops by the Stern Show

Retired tennis pro Martina Navratilova stopped by the Stern Show and told the crew that she almost wasn’t allowed upstairs because she forgot her I.D. and security personnel didn’t recognize her.
Howard told Martina he was awed by the fact she’d converted a married woman to a lesbian (they’ve now been dating for seven years). Martina confessed they “went out to lunch and that was that. It was a surprise to both of us.”
Howard asked Martina if she’d ever been with a man. Martina said yes, when she was 17.
Howard wondered what Martina, as the AARP’s health ambassador, would recommend for Artie Lange to improve his health. She suggested an hour-long game of basketball once a day.
Howard noted that Martina really had an affect on the women she dated, as another former lover of Martina’s shot at her after they broke up.
Martina admitted she was cheating on the shooter at the time and would rather not talk about it on the air.
Co-host Robin Quivers said she once heard Martina picked up women just by staring at them, but Martina claimed the story wasn’t true and her dating life was actually quite “boring.”
A caller asked if Martina ever used steroids, so Martina explained she would never cheat – she’d rather exercise and weight-train. Another caller asked if Martina was ever attracted to Chris Evert. Martina admitted Chris was “cute” but claimed she could never think about a close competitor sexually.