Show Rundown:December 6, 2007
A Couple Moments With Fred
Aliens Abduct 13 Minutes of Riley’s Show
JD’s ‘Articulateness’ & Richard’s Intelligence
JD’s ‘Articulateness’ & Richard’s Intelligence

Howard played a clip from yesterday’s Wrap-Up Show of JD saying “my articulateness makes me sound more stupider than I am.” Howard explained that they were debating who was the least intelligent member of the show, and Richard was a hotly contested subject. George came to Richard’s defense, saying that Richard and his girlfriend took him and Brad to Tavern on the Green last night, and they had a very nice evening. Howard wondered if Richard acted inappropriately during their dinner, but George insisted that Richard was very well behaved and only had two drinks over the course of their three-hour meal. George added that Richard blended right in with the rest of the tourists at the restaurant, and he was very impressed with Richard for scoring someone as “delightful” as his girlfriend Christy.